The club management board is elected by the club members at the annual general meeting for a term of 3 to 5 years. A current board member can be re-elected and there are no limits on the number of terms an individual can serve on the board. Any club member can nominate themselves for a board position.


  • Chair club board meetings
  • Player registrations
  • Communication with Estonian cricket board and operations manager
  • Attend Estonian league meetings in-person or online
  • Ensure board members, captain, social media officer and kit managers fulfil their roles
  • Temporarily fulfil the duties of the secretary or treasurer when they are unable to do so


  • Minutes from club board meetings and circulate minutes to members
  • Bookings for indoor and outdoor training sessions and friendly games
  • Organisation of club social events
  • Attend Estonian league meetings in-person or online
  • Ensure board members, captain, social media officer and kit managers fulfil their roles
  • Temporarily fulfil the duties of the chairman or treasurer when they are unable to do so


  • Annual report submitted to Estonian e-business register annually
  • Payments via club bank account (leagues, player shirts and other club & player expenses)
  • Manage relationships with club sponsors
  • Attend Estonian league meetings in-person or online
  • Ensure board members, captain, social media officer and kit managers fulfil their roles
  • Temporarily fulfil the duties of the chairman or secretary when they are unable to do so


  • Captain, vice-captain, social media officer, kit manager and assistant kit manager are elected by the club management board annually. Any club member can nominate themselves for an operations position.


  • Team selection for league games
  • Captain the team on-field during games


  • Assumes the role of captain if the usual captain is unavailable.

Social Media Officer

  • Club social media accounts updated as a minimum each month with photos from club outdoor and indoor games, outdoor and indoor trainings, and social events, as directed by management board

Kit Manager

  • Delivery of club kit to games and training sessions.
  • Ensure kit is well maintained and equipment replacement requests forwarded to club management board when needed

Assistant Kit Manager

  • Assist the kit manager with delivery of club kit to games and training sessions.


  • Board can access the club email account
  • Board can be admins of the club messenger group
  • Board and captain can be admins of the club Facebook group
  • Board and social media officer can access all club social media accounts

Social Media:

The club adheres to the following procedure for social media posts.

  1. A club member forwards a photo/video to the management board that he/she wants posted on the club Facebook, Instagram or YouTube accounts.

  2. Board reviews the request and if deemed suitable, the photo/video is forwarded to the social media officer.

  3. Part of the review process requires obtaining permission from the person/people in the photograph. By signing up for indoor and/or outdoor seasons and other playing events (e.g. friendlies or short-form tournaments), players give permission for photographs and videos to be used on social media platforms. For training, social activities or anything else, players are asked permission on a photo-by-photo or video-by-video basis.

  4. Social media officer posts the photo/video on the requested social media accounts as directed by the board within 72 hours.

  5. If the social media officer does not post the photo/video on the social media accounts within 72 hours, a board member will post the photo/video themselves.

Annual Review – Operations Department:

  • The board will schedule an annual review during October each year where all operations department roles will be reviewed by the board. Operations department roles will either be renewed for another year, or a replacement for a role can be elected by the board.