Non-profit organisation: Tartu Cricket Club constitution
Approved by the decision of the general meeting on 29.01.2019.
1.1 Non-profit organisation Tartu Cricket Club (from here on organisation) is an organisation acting in the public interest. Its location is Tartu, Republic of Estonia.
1.2 The purpose of the organisation is to improve cricket in Estonia and to participate in the Estonian Cricket Association’s League games. In order to achieve these goals, the following activities are followed:
1.2.1 Recruit new members
1.2.2 Compete successfully in Estonian League games
1.2.3 Promote cricket in Estonia
2.1 Member of the organisation may be any natural or juridical person, who is willing to actively participate in achieving organisation’s goals and is fulfilling the requirements set out in the constitution. Accepting and excluding of persons is organised by the board of the organisation.
2.2 A member of the organisation has all the rights, which are set out in the law and has the right to receive information from the governing body regarding the activities of the organisation.
2.3 Fees for joining and annual payments are approved in the annual general meeting.
2.4 In addition to the requirements set out in the law, a member may be excluded from the organisation if:
2.4.1 They did not pay the fee for joining and/or annual fee by the fixed date.
2.4.2 They have knowingly presented false information, therefore acceptance of the member to the organisation is not legitimate.
3.1 The annual general meeting is where all members of the organisation may participate. The annual general meeting shall be held in accordance with the non-profit organisation law.
3.2 The convening, quorum and acceptance of decisions is done in accordance with the law.
3.3 The organisation board shall be selected for three years. Up to three members may be board members. Board members shall be selected at the annual general meeting.
3.4 Board meetings are held as often as required, and the board has decision-making power if more than half of the members are present. The decisions must be accepted with 2/3 majority votes.
3.5 The annual general meeting may appoint revision control or auditor control for the board’s office term duration.
4.1 The organisation may, in accordance with the law, issue grants and engage in economical and training activities.
4.2 The organisation is terminated in accordance with procedure set out in the law.
4.3 In case of termination of the organisation, the assets shall be handed over to an organisation with a similar field of activity and who is a member of a non-profit organisation and foundation list with income tax relief or to a public institution.